Creator Royalties

In order to support creators and make sure they receive the royalties (DTs) they are rightfully due as collection creators, creators have the ability to claim DT rewards on DroppingNow without listing anything on the platform. All you have to do is connect using the wallet that owns the smart contract for your collection, prove your ownership and claim your rewards by following the steps below.

Claiming your DT

Step 1 - Proving Ownership

  1. Go to Rewards page

  2. Go to Claim Ownership section

  3. Insert the smart contract address for your collection

  4. Click "Approve"

You must be connected using the wallet that has the private keys for the collection contract to claim your DTs.

Step 2 - Claiming DT Rewards

  1. Go to Rewards page

  2. Go to Dropper Rewards section / Approve reward

  3. Click "Claim"

  4. Complete transaction in Metamask

Last updated