Rewards Page

DroppingNow has implemented "Tokenized Royalties" through it rewards system. Accumulate $DN and DT tokens by selling unique NFTs on DroppingNow and collect your part of the marketplace fees.

The Rewards page is where you can go to view rewards that you have earned that are eligible to be claimed. Creators can also use the Claim Ownership function to claim the DropperTokens for their collection.

DroppingNow ($DN) Rewards

My minted $DN - The wallet's current DroppingNow token ($DN) balance

My unminted $DN - Number of $DN tokens available to be claimed.

Rewards share - % ownership of outstanding $DN

Rewards to Claim - $ETH that user is eligible to claim (distributed to holders of $DN - see Tokenomics for more info)

Unminted $DN supply - total number of $DN tokens that have been created and claimed by wallets (circulating supply)

Minted $DN supply - Total # of $DN tokens that have been created and awarded but not claimed by wallets (total supply)

Dropper Token Rewards (DT)

My Rewards - wallet's current DT balance for each collection

Unclaimed - number of your rewards that have been earned but not claimed for each collection

Approve rewards - For collection creators/owners. Allows them to claim the Dropper Tokens they are eligible for (Learn More)

Rate - % ownership of outstanding DTs for a given collection.

Rewards to Claim - $ETH that user is eligible to claim (distributed to holders of DT - see Tokenomics for more info)

Total Claimed - total number of DT tokens that have been created and claimed by wallets (circulating supply) for a specific collection

Total Unclaimed - Total # of DT tokens that have been created and awarded but not claimed by wallets (total supply) for a specific collection

Max Supply - maximum supply of DT that can be created for a collection

Last updated